Roofing was and continues to be the first line of defense between nature’s force and you, your home, your family, your belongings.
We take our role in protecting you very seriously.
In addition to rigorous onboard trainings, process reviews, and safety trainings, we also host meetings quarterly. We’re able to Zoom with both of our locations so that we can all be in the same room to review procedures.
Surf & Turf Roofing was considered an essential business during the covid-19 pandemic. The CDC has also provided recommendations (in conjunction with other agencies) to safely keep our employees and clients safe from Covid-19. We went over these recommendations and procedures at our quarterly meeting this past May.
We also were able to lighten the mood a bit as we discussed some of our awards that we received from Owens Corning, and we were able to recognize our own employees for outstanding achievement.
We’re proud of our team. We are all so grateful to be able to work safely together every day, to protect our customers.